Budgets and Savings Accounts: Tips on How to Save When You Really Want to Spend


I like to spend money. I love to shop. I hate trying on clothes, but I love to shop nonetheless. I actually find extreme joy in bringing home a new item. Whether its from the dollar store or Macy’s, I enjoy bring home something new Now, I’m not the type of spender that purchases $500 or $600 items just because but I find that I often nickel and dime my account. Before I know it I have already spent several hundred dollars.

For my 30 before 30 bucket list I set out to save $1000 before December 16, 2017. So far I am  well on my way to goal. Here 3 easy tips I have found that help me save money when I really want to spend it.

Tip 1: Find a Hiding Spot

Some hide money under their mattress or a shoe box, for me I chose to hide my money in a savings account. What ever works for you find a spot where you can stash the extra cash.  Leaving money directly in your possession will be an ultimate temptation for you to spend it.

Tip 2: Out of Sight Out of Mind

For me I remember every time I directly transfer money to my savings account. In the back of mind I’m just loaning that money out and soon I’ll get it back. However, if the funds are out sight out of mind I don’t even realize my money is being stashed away. I have found utilizing my direct deposit at work to be the easiest way to achieve this.  I have $40 a paycheck being directly sent to a savings account. Often I don’t even notice the money missing from my paycheck. I just got used to the new normal.

Tip 3: Pay Yourself First

Recently we just got  our bonus.  While I planned to use the money to pay some bills if I have learned anything about managing your fiance is to  pay yourself first.  Paying bills is important but setting aside money and having a savings will be more beneficial in the long run.

What are your top money saving tips?